Ancient Crows

What Are Ancient Crows?

Ancient Crows is a digital art project that synthesizes Crows and Ancient Egypt.

Why The Crow and Ancient Egypt?

To summarize briefly, the curiosity and admiration for Crows and Ancient Egypt. And that thought of combining curiosity and admiration.

What Kind of Project Is It?

A burning mechanism will be used in the Ancient Crows collection. And every work will be formed by the burning of the main work. In addition, for the creation of some works, both the main work and the new works may need to be burned. In short, the entire collection will be based on burning and will be formed. The works are a bit handmade, mainly artificial intelligence supported.

What do I and this collection promise?

To be frank, I am an individual artist. And I can never promise a high financial return. It's a journey. And all we can promise from the beginning to the end of this journey is truly high quality and beautiful artworks. Everything else will be determined by the journey and the owners.

What are the details about the project?

As someone who is trying to get WL or OG from many projects, I think and know that this is a difficult and arduous thing. Of course, I respect and understand those who use these methods. However, there will be no such thing in the Ancient Crows collection. And anyone can print as much as they want. In other words, there will be no wallet limit, but the supply of the main collection will be limited to 1000 pieces. When the mint process is completed, the burning process will begin on the current supply. It will be fully accessible and open to the public. I want everyone to be comfortable and peaceful, both in terms of price and WL/OG.

For this reason, I have determined the price as 0.003 ETH mint per piece, which is an accessible price and a price that everyone can easily pay. You can mint at the most convenient time and gas fee.

You can visit my X address for any questions, suggestions and opinions about my collection and the project.



You can reach out to me for any questions, suggestions, or feedback. It's valuable to me.

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